Monday, January 17, 2011


So, I was wandering through my bookmarked blogs and re-found Cupcakes and Cashmere on the day she posted Mario Batali's Bologonese sauce...mmmm. I have been avoiding trying to make this dish because my Uncle Mattar used to have a killer tortellini bolognese on his menu when Frank was the chef - I mean absolutely scrumptious, long before he became Mattar's bistro. Side trip: I've been eating at Mattar's since he opened so Tortellini Bolognese probably runs through my veins, along with his out of this world Calamari (I believe I drew him a picture when I was just a kid that said, "Best Calamari in the Universe." Pretty sure it was his first award. So, first real point is that I've been avoiding trying to make it because how can you beat the best? My sweet husband has been requesting Spaghetti Bolognese for quite some time and I finally decided that MB was probably a good source. Second side trip: Never trust a skinny cook. 
It was absolutely delicious. Quite a lot of work in the chopping and dicing category but after an hour of simmering in my saute pan the house smelled like Frank's kitchen = heaven. He had promised to show me how to make his coveted Bolognese sauce and decadent Key Lime Pie but the opportunity never arose. When he opened his own restaurant (he has since retired to the upper confines of some mountain) I would regularly make a trip to the kitchen to say hello and get a glimpse at the inner workings of a gourmet kitchen.  Imagine my excitement when Ratatouille hit the theaters...
So the linguine (apparently this was a compromise between tortellini and spaghetti) and bolognese sauce was a hit and probably the best thing I have ever made. Pair it with a nice red wine and sweet peas as a vegetable and you have yourself a wonderful, filling and delicious meal!

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