Thursday, February 10, 2011

Turkey [Chicken] Burgers with Zucchini and Carrot

Again, don't be afraid to remove the beef and use something else - or remove the turkey and use chicken! These were sooo easy and, you guessed it, delicious! The sweet husband prepared this meal and I cooked it, it was a nice way to break up (the sometimes chore feeling) act of making dinner. Well, I love to cook, but after a long day this was just the recipe to put in an equal amount of preparation and enjoyment. 

Photo by: Quentin Bacon
When preparing the carrot and zucchini go ahead and use a paper towel to soak up some of the extra juices from grating (we didn't do this but after molding the burgers we were concerned at the amount of water in the mix, next time we'll give it a go). Then again, the burgers were FULL of flavor and the zucchini and carrot (with garlic of course) added a lovely aroma with the chicken. 
I did make the lemon mayo, but added some garlic powder (not raw pressed garlic because the mayo is really meant to crisp the flavor, not drown it out). Open face on our leftover parisian bread with lettuce (ketchup if your my husband *cringe*) mayo and a warm chicken burger.

Oh! Extra tip here: Our burgers took 5 minutes per side but with an additional 1-2 minutes on low, covered (the steaming effect is the same as cooking on a flat griddle surface and covering with a steel bowl - if you watch cooking shows, you see this all the time, it's a great technique).

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