Friday, February 18, 2011

Favorite Kitchen Gadgets, Vol. I

Photo by: Miki Duisterhof

“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”
― Harriet Van Horne

Real Simple's Daily Though landed in my inbox this past Wednesday and of course had to share with all of you! I saved the content below from a few weeks back as a series of blogs for my cooking friends. It's my Favorite Kitchen Gadget series (soon to come: Favorite Foods, Favorite Photography gadgets, Favorite Home Improvement Gadgets and in general: My Favorite Things). In each entry I will have a photo of the gadget, where I purchased it/if it was a gift I will do my best to find it for you, the price and how to use! I am sure some of you will scoff at the little trinkets claiming that your hands, fingers and a simple spoon can do the same thing, well my doubtful friends, I suggest you try some of these, they have made my cooking experiences so much better! My mother-in-law is quite the cook herself and I was exposed to several of the gadgets we'll look at through both of her kitchens (yes both) and had several "ah-ha!" moments. So, without any further ado, here is Volume I:

Source: Personal library
Garlic press: Oh my friend the garlic press. This has made a difference in my kitchen because of the shear amount of garlic we use in our food - and our undying love for garlic bread.  Simply remove the outer flaky skin of the garlic so the "meat" is exposed, cut a small sliver of either end (if you desire), place in press and crush over your next batch of homemade marinara. The press will help you evenly distribute your garlic and keep you from being a walking vampire repeller - good tip here for Edward Cullen fans (I had to Google that). It is a cinch to clean, simply use a toothpick to remove the garlic fragments from the teeth of the press, rinse with soapy water and air dry - do not put this in your dishwasher, be nice to your favorites. This was a gift but I imagine you can find it here (d0n't forget your coupon!). Super affordable and really a necessity.

Source: Personal library
Citrus peeler: This is a new kitchen gadget for me and so far so good! I recently attended a Pampered Chef party hosted by a dear friend with Barb Maurais. I helped with some of the food prep and was able to get a goodie! Considering the large amount of lemon/lime/orange consumed in this house all in the name of recipes (and gin) I thought it a wise choice. It really works! When I looked it up for you lovely folks, I was so happy to see that it is only $1! If you need zest from your citrus before you need juice, don't score until you've grated the rind. I wouldn't call it a necessity, but it's a neat addition.

Source: Personal library
Kitchen scissors: Oh my kitchen scissors/shears. I never thought of using anything other than a knife to cut-up ingredients for whatever recipe required me to chop-chop-chop! We received an entire knife set with block and sharpener as a wedding present from the Sweet Husband's cousins and I was delighted to finally have some sharp scissors at my disposal. Granted for a while I used them to open containers and in a pinch I may have used them to open mail (eek!) but now I have a little more respect for them once I used them on salad ingredients and my least favorite thing to deal with, raw chicken! I know you might have a hard time wrapping your head around spending $20 on a pair of scissors but I promise, it's worth it. I've been know to cut up carrots with these babies when the counter is full and I left the salad prep for last. 

Source: Personal library
Pastry blender: Considering that I bake a lot more than I used to - and you have to be nice to dough of all kinds if you want the right results - I figured it was time to get myself a pastry blender. The recipes constantly called for one and I always figured I could do without. Wrong. The blender will properly combine your butter with flour without warming the butter and distributes all the ingredients evenly. This has made a huge difference with my scones (of all kinds). Honestly, look at a scone recipe/ingredients the wrong way and voila, flavorless, hard ick.  Really anything that requires you to make a sticky or crumbly dough in the begining of your baking process, reach for a pastry blender

Source: Personal library
A fork(s): I'm not going to tell you where to find a fork, if you don't have a stainless steel or non-plastic equivalent in your house, we have much more important things to talk about. A small salad fork is the size I use most often when holding down chicken breasts I'm avoiding to touch. Mostly, I use a fork to squeeze the maximum amount of juice out of a lemon/lime/orange. After cutting the citrus in half, I hold it over a mini-strainer to catch the seeds and extra pulp, and squeeze. Wiggle the fork around, watch the rind so you don't pierce your hand and simply squeeze away. Here's another small tip - save the hallowed out rind if you plan to not purchase the garlic press, it's a good way to alleviate some of the stench on your fingers. Do you have a compost holder in your kitchen or a garbage dispotal? A little lemon goes a long way. It's my favorite kitchen clean scent!

I hope you enjoyed Volume I, there's a lot more where these came from! 

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