Monday, March 28, 2011


Cupcakes can put a smile on even the most grumpy-gusses, don't you think? Thankfully I was serving my most recent little cakes of love to happy recipients! Recently, I made Elmo cupcakes and Irish Whiskey Cupcakes for a loved birthday niece and my big brother. 
I ran into some trouble with the Elmo cupcakes regarding the over-soft frosting. Still, the two year old new it was Elmo right away - success! 
I visited a great cake/party store and got some advice regarding better icing coloring and will be sure to try it next time. I just couldn't throw away perfectly good frosting and start over.
I found the inspiration for the Elmo cupcakes here. I did use mini-marshmallows for the eyes,  and gel icing for the eye-balls. Instead of gum-balls, I used peanut-butter M&Ms for Elmo's nose - much more delicious! Devils food chocolate cake and homemade creamy buttercream frosting. Yum! 
Next were specially requested Chocolate Whiskey and Beer Cupcakes - really it was a cake request, but cupcakes are my thing! Completely made from scratch and completely delicious!! I made several and shared the wealth with other friends and I think I'll be making several more batches, thanks to SmittenKitchen and TheBiscuitPusher!

I would suggest that you make slightly smaller CWB Cupcakes because they are insanely rich and decadent. I used 2.5" cupcake foils and as you can see, left the ganache centers exposed to minimize the amount of frosting on top - it's still plenty of frosting for this size cupcake and it really allows all the flavors to combine and then explode with every bite! Enjoy :)

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