Friday, February 12, 2010

My love affair with yogurt

I absolutely love yogurt. I've almost had to stop watching Burn Notice for fear of yogurt jealously every time Jeffery Donovan puts back 8 oz. of the manna from heaven.
My mornings ususally consisted of one cup of Hannaford brand Banana Granola, 1/2 - 1 cup of Yoplait Smooth and Creamy Strawberry and usually one whole banana. Pure bliss.
Lactose intolerance = no more yogurt. At least for now, one of the books I've been studying up on: suggests that some conditions can reduce from severe to mild after an elimination diet - the idea here is that your body will heal itself and you can move on to once again enjoy dairy. But, if you still have mild to moderate intolerance, yogurt - although containing dairy - could actually help your circumstance due to the cultures and enzymes present in the yummy goop.
Now enter Soy yogurt!

One it's own the yogurt has a more gelatin consistency at first but once you mix and taste it becomes like regular yogurt. The Vanilla is the safe way to go for the first try - especially if you already drink and like Vanilla flavored soy milk. The yogurt is more tangy and surprisingly didn't leave an after taste.
Dinner tonight, because I just couldn't wait until breakfast, is my 1 cup of Hannaford brand Banana Granola, 1 serving size of Stonyfield Soy: Vanilla and a very large spoon. The stronger Banana flavor in the granola comes through after the first taste of tangy soy. Very enjoyable and I was most certainly be adding it to my grocery list.
Let's face it, it's not as good as the real thing but in a weeks time I won't even notice the difference.

But this is life on earth, you just can't have everything.

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